Helpful Hints For Writing A Conclusion For An Essay About Bullying

Bullying can be a relatively controversial topic to write about, particularly considering the impact it can have on the lives of the victims who suffered at the hands of bullies. Therefore, when writing about the topic, it is important to bear this in mind, so that you write in as tactful a way as possible, particularly when writing the conclusion. In order to give you some helpful hints about writing this particular section of your essay, the following outlines some useful ideas that you may wish to consider.

  • Creating a conclusion that is appropriate for the style of writing that you are using
  • Firstly, it is important to be aware of the style of writing that you are using when composing your work. For example, you may wish to write an argumentative paper, in which you are trying to persuade the reader about a particular point of view. If this is the case, then your conclusion should be appropriate to the style of writing - therefore, with an argumentative piece, your concluding points should aim to persuade the reader about a particular opinion that you might have.

  • Planning the work before you start, including the conclusion
  • In order to make it easier to write the conclusion, it is a good idea to plan the work before you start. In fact, not only will this help to make it easier to write conclusion, but it will make it easier to write the paper as a whole.

  • Ensuring that your conclusion is based on any points you’ve already made
  • One mistake that some students make when writing a conclusion is to try and bring up new arguments that have been referred to earlier on in the paper. When it comes to writing a conclusion, you should stick to any points that you have already made. If you want to bring up any new discussions, then you should go back to any relevant section earlier on in your paper to make these there.

  • Making a note of any important points that you wish to include in the conclusion whilst writing the rest of the paper
  • As mentioned, you should ensure that your conclusion is based on any points that you already made earlier on in your paper. Therefore, it is a good idea to make a note of any important points whilst writing the body section, or any other relevant sections, so that you remember to include them in your conclusion.

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