How To Compose An Essay Introduction On Why Health Is Wealth?

Without a shadow of doubt, it is impossible to achieve our goals and obtain real happiness if we are not healthy enough to work on these. Assuredly, this is one of the many reasons why we consider being healthy as being wealthy since good health serves as an important key to make our dreams come true.

Meanwhile, health is wealth topic may also not be an easy subject matter to write about for most students. Of course, to write a sensible and a very informative essay, one is required to conduct an extensive research first so to come up with a writing piece that’s worthy of a flying color grade.

Typically, starting the writing process is deemed as the hardest part. Perhaps, this is because you are to compose an engrossing introduction that must catch the attention of readers. If your beginning statement isn’t catchy enough then this may discourage your readers to keep going. This only means to say that your presentation must be something that’s worth-reading.

Things to consider when writing your introduction about why health is wealth:

  • Your preface must provide essential contextual data or background for your topic and of course this is the section where your thesis statement must be clearly presented. It is fundamental to address questions how, why and what. That is, how you will argue your stance, why is it valuable or useful and what are you going to tackle.
  • Grab the attention of the readers through writing an interesting first statement. Consider using fun turns of phrase, surprising facts, quotes or anecdotes. Keep in mind that the preface is meant to bring the reader into your piece and not to merely narrate the whole story. This means that it may be widely related to your essay, not laser focused.
  • Make sure to provide your argument with some context. It is quite fundamental to acquaint the reader with some data which may not be in the article, but is quite related to fully understand your manuscript. This could be related to research, historical background or some scattered facts just to condition the reader’s mood.
  • Compose a distinctive and arguable thesis. Always take into consideration that your thesis serves as the heart of your entire writing piece. This merely implies that it is considered the point or argument you’re trying to convey. Bear in mind that to come up with a good one, it must be striking, something provocative as well as very specific. In other words, it must be able to provide your readers the reason to keep on reading.

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