The Best Informative Essay Topics: Top 20 Writing Prompts

An informative essay should teach the audience information about the selected topic. It can also be called an expositor essay. The topic is introduced and then a thesis statement is created. The main points of the thesis statement will be covered in the body of the paper. You can cause support from credible data bases and valid sources to support your main ideas. Here are 20 writing prompts for a good informative essay topic:

  1. What living Green really means-can you live it 100%
  2. How to hire a qualified roofer-traits to look for
  3. The benefits of adopting a Paleo diet routine
  4. Yoga and how it can relive stress in your life
  5. What caused the American Revolution
  6. What is ISIS-where did it form and why did it form
  7. The Irish Potato Famine and how it changed a country
  8. I pad Schools-what they are and how they work
  9. The NFL Draft-how it works
  10. Hybrids and how they work
  11. The game of Baseball-America’s pastime
  12. What was the Trail of Tears-what, what, where, when, and why
  13. The titanic-how and why it sunk
  14. The New Deal-all the players and pieces are explained
  15. Memorial Day-what it stands for
  16. The Western Front Trenches-what they were, where were they, and what kind of role did they play in World War I
  17. How to clip coupons and really save money at the grocery store
  18. Geology-what is it and what does it cover
  19. The top ten ways to improve your grade
  20. Common Core Standards-what are they and why do they get such passionate reactions from educators

When you pick your topic, then you will want to make a thesis statement. After you do that, you can begin to research with the intention of making a rough outline. The outline may go through several revisions before it becomes a final outline. Once you are pleased with the outline, then you can begin to write. Follow the teacher assigned format, either APA or MLA, and always have in text citations for your support. You will also have either a reference sheet or a Works Cited. Meet you teacher assigned deadlines and follow the teacher’s instructions. You will have to hand in a hard copy of your paper and possibly an electronic copy. It all begins with picking a perfect topic.

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