Finding Help with Writing an Introduction to a Persuasive Essay

The introduction portion of a persuasive essay is one of the most important parts of the overall essay. Here is a handy guide in finding help with writing an introduction to a persuasive essay.  First, we will ensure you understand the importance of the introduction and what the introduction contains.  Then, we will find the best help available in getting that portion successfully written.

Two Key Elements of a Persuasive Introduction

  • Persuasive essays are often called “argument essays.”
  • In a persuasive essay, your job is take a side of an argument and through logical reasoning convince your reader to agree with your point of view.
  • It introduces the reader to the overall material of the essay.  Therefore, you want to engage and interest your reader as much as possible.
  • The introduction also contains your argument statement (thesis statement). This is the hook.  You’re reader will either continue reading on or stop altogether.

Three Kinds of Websites to Help Students with Writing

  • There are consulting websites.  These websites offer a service by giving your writing to a professional to proofread and edit your work.  Proofreading fixes any grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.  Editing fixes any errors in overall writing, including voice and syntax.  With this kind of website, you are usually not involved with the proofreading and editing.
  • There are tutoring websites.  Tutoring websites are similar to consulting websites, but there is one significant difference.  In tutoring you are working with your proofreader and editor directly together in real time.  Therefore, your tutor is helping you understand the whys of the various edits needed.  Tutors aid in teaching.
  • There are instructional websites.  Instructional websites give many “how to” steps for all kinds of writing.  These are the most common and easy to find.  Aside from full websites, there are numerous standalone articles online where authors provide help in writing persuasive essays.

Find In-School Help with Writing

  • If you are inclined to stay after school for a little while, don’t forget you can find help by going directly to your teacher.  Your teacher knows you personally, and therefore, most likely has the best approach in helping that is best suited for you.
  • Most schools have a writing lab.  Check to see if your school does too.
  • If you are unable to stay after school, most schools over free periods, such a study halls or personal reference periods where you can get the extra help you need.

If you would like to write a winning introduction for your persuasive essay that hooks the reader into agreeing with your point of view, it never hurts to find extra help in writing that essay.  Persuasive essays are more difficult to write than most style essays.

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